does nobody like paypal?

I'm getting an abnormal number of people lately who are e-mailing me and telling me they'd rather not donate through Paypal. Is there something else (as in a Paypal-like equivalent) I should be signing up for to facilitate the whole donation process? I certainly wouldn't want something silly like an affiliation with one service or another preventing generous people from throwing us a few bucks.

Lemme know.
Plastic Future
May 27 at 3:17 AM
Never tried it but.. Yahoo offers another service:

some others (continue reading to page 4...)
Edited May 27 at 6:31 AM
May 27 at 6:21 AM
I've never had any trouble with paypal, soooo easy to Send Jason money. I think it's as safe as anything online can be. You just have to be smart and not allow your Ebay or Paypal passswords to be given out. There are alot of scammers out there and paypal is a big target!
Nearachd Nathair Sgiathach
May 27 at 8:08 AM
My problem with Paypal isn't about scams, it's the fact they dumped Mandarake without much warning and really no explanation to us patrons. I believe it was because Mandarake sells x-rated things and Paypal has some kind of policy against that sort of thing. I don't like the fact they could dictate whom-ever I can buy what-ever from.
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
May 27 at 8:34 AM
[quote]it's the fact they dumped Mandarake without much warning [/quote]

I know nothing about this particular situation but that would be very idiotic if it were true because Paypal is owned by none other than eBay. If there's any company that can be truly labelled as hypocritical, it's that one.

Video games have a $3+ billion industry to lean on eBay and make them stop selling pirate video games but anime licensees have no such recourse (read: not rich enough). That's only one example -- but the most accessible given the audience of this site. This is one of the most "respected" companies in America. Then again, the 3 episode per DVD business when licensing costs for entire Japanese TV shows is rock-bottom cheap is equally ridiculous. It's all quite silly.

Plastic Future
May 27 at 1:42 PM
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