Very disappointed in Rubberslug

I was really excited when I found Rubberslug, but today when I went to update, and saw that my gallery is locked, I'm really disappointed. I did nothing wrong, but [moderator] locked my account, saying "No cels, no gallery". Sure my collection is small, but it's there.

Noisywalrus: edited to omit E's e-mail address. Gotta dodge those spambots as best as possible. Sorry 'bout that.
Edited May 27 at 12:38 AM
Jessica's Most Expensive Habit
May 25 at 12:24 AM
Dear Jessica,

You're gallery is unlocked, and returned to its original status.

I had quite a few galleries that I had to ban recently, and yours wasn't one of them.

I apologize for the oversight. ^^'

Best regards,

Edited May 25 at 4:06 AM
May 25 at 4:04 AM
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