Ratings Tweaking

Ratings have been rebalanced in a somewhat simplistic way... for now. As expected, I can't really reveal the details of the rebalancing. Taking everything into consideration, *most* people were *not* getting knocked out because of low ratings. If anything, *many* galleries were benefitting from straight 10s (IMHO, statistically an equivalent animal to the "straight 1s" rating).

I'm looking through the rankings right now and they seem pretty fair, given a certain number of... givens. (i.e. - galleries being rated highly presumably by fans of that particular show/genre)

With the new rebalancing, some people will notice scores going up, some will notice scores going down, and some will notice mixed effects. The more ratings you have, the less the change will impact you. It's still a little unfair to a few galleries and I'll continue to tweak the formula. Again, this has nothing to do with you as people. (Insert unique snowflake analogy.)

My goal for the ratings expiration is to program a system where ratings older than 6 months are weighted at 1/3 of the total and newer than 6 months are weighted at 2/3 of the total. That's tomorrow's to-do item. In your "galleries I have rated" panel, galleries rated more than 6 months ago will be highlighted in some way. Regardless of age, full points will be given to raters for their input. How does that sound?

Add your comments below... if you notice any changes or if you have further suggestions/observations.
Edited May 17 at 11:42 PM
Plastic Future
May 17 at 11:32 PM
I found the rating system to be a fun toy when it was first turned on. Now, after we've had it for a while, I find it just a bit frustrating to rate galleries for the Collection rating.

Some galleries aren't diverse at all, but the depth and curator knowledge are off the chart (Spinizuey's Golden Dawn is a great example). Others have amazing diversity, but sometimes misidentified characters, which suggests that the knowledge might not be quite as high. (I'm one of those collectors who will buy a cel not knowing anything about the character or anime, just because it's pretty, or has something with wings.)

Sometimes determining the Collection rating is difficult, because in some galleries the three elements (diversity, depth and knowledge) seem to be at odds with each other. I know there are more than the three elements stated, and they are simply guidelines, but often I struggle with this rating. Does diversity count more? Or does the curator's knowledge? How does depth factor in?

Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? If anyone has, how do you handle it? I don't struggle nearly as much with the Presentation or Overall ratings, which is why I'm asking. Also, in a way, the Collection rating is the most important of the three. Presentation can be changed easily, and Overall comes down to individuals tastes more than anything else, but Collection...that's rating the very reason why each of us has a gallery here!

PS - my ratings dipped a little in the rebalancing. No biggie. *grin* I must respectfully disagree with you about straight 10s though. Some galleries do have the absolute stand-out qualities that merit straight tens, in my opinion. (Some of these galleries don't have the rating system active, unfortunately.) I think straight 1s would be much harder to 'earn'.
Edited May 18 at 1:16 AM
Forever Dreaming
May 18 at 1:15 AM
I know what you mean.
I try to gauge the quality of the cels to rate the collection, tying in the knowledge too. If someone only collects one series, but has really nice cels, it wouldn't be fair to give a bad rating for lack of diversity.

There are several series I haven't seen, but if the cels in the gallery are nice and labeled they get a high score.
I also like creativity in titles. Labeling three cels in a row the same character name isn't very interesting.

Just try to be objective and remember...it's all for fun!
Gallery of the Cel Hunter
May 18 at 10:50 AM
When I checked my page this morning I couldn't believe how much my rating dropped. I don't think this is at all fair, especially weighting older ratings less than newer ones. Not everyone has time to go back all the time and check the galleries they've rated.

Rubberslug has a lot of different types of cel collectors, some have just the newer cels like Inu Yasha, there's people who have Disney cels and everything in between. It would be cool if the ratings were weighted towards whatever genre you collect. I don't know the first thing about Inu Yasha cels, but I've been collecting Voltron cels for 15 years.
Edited May 18 at 12:43 PM
Kett's Cel Gallery
May 18 at 11:58 AM
Yes, I agree on the difficulty in rating collection's as well, and the points previously illustrated are done so exceptionally well...but I guess that's the price you pay for rating anything...movie critics come to mind.

And yes, put me on the "ratings dropped after tweaking" train as well...
The Startyde
May 18 at 2:26 PM
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