What do you think of my gallery?

Gretings all,

I'm wondering what you guys and gals think of my cel collection, layout and the like?

I don't want graphics on the main page because I think it looks gaudy and for a person on dial up it could take a while to load.

Anyways, I'm looking for impressions.

Joe Boeing's Gallery O'Cels
Apr 06 at 2:09 PM
Aside from calling mine and pretty much everyone else's gallery gaudy, it looks nice I suppose. It's pretty basic though so there's nothing to really like or dislike. Pretty colors though.

Also if a person is on dial up and it's slow enough to hinder a main page graphic, wouldn't that also apply to the cels on every other page of the gallery?

-Remi *likes her gaudy banner* :p
A Little Cel Remedy
Apr 06 at 9:32 PM
Well, maybe, "gaudy" was the wrong word... I just don't like sites with a lot of pics that distract me from the content of the site it's self.

I've seen a lot of galleries here that have like 5-7 inches of pic(s) before you get the the gallery selection and I think that takes away from the content.

Also, a couple cel galleries just on the front page of the gallery can take up to 30 seconds on my neighbor's 56 kbps connection because of these large pics.

Anyways, what do you guys think of my gallery content/selection?

Joe Boeing's Gallery O'Cels
Apr 07 at 3:18 AM
Joe I'm not sure what you want. Colors nice, selection is nice, wish you had scans not photos.
I think the great thing about RS is that it is always a work in progress. I've changed and expanded and I'm still not satisfied with my gallery. Thanks to Jason, we're able to make our galleries what WE want them to be, if others enjoy them so much the better. Are you satisfied with your gallery?That's all that really matters.

BTW Remi I REALLY like your gallery.(I sent you feedback a few days ago :D)
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
Apr 07 at 9:54 PM
The homepage layout is fine, textsize is good and so is the use of font and background colors. Personally I would not write so much in the news section, let the last updated dates next to the series speak for you. Also if you are writing about yourself and how and when you started, considering creating and using the ABOUT section.

The actual cel images however are lacking. If you can try please scan some of your cels, it is difficult to fully appreciate and carefully view digital camera images. Also I doubt the flash does anything good for the cel image either.

If you are going for a overall minimualist design, less words and images per page force the viewer to really focus on the contents.
M O M O's cels
Apr 25 at 7:18 PM
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