Virtual Anime Con

I put this post here because, well "off topic" could be anything. And this is "Off" (as in 'off my rocker') I guess ;-)

This may sound like a weird idea, but I was just thinking that large Anime Cons have possibly tons of people that don't attend, that may feel left out of the process and excitement, but would be willing to lay out some funds nonetheless. How about connecting in some creative way with those people standing on the outside?

My questions is, since I don't attend anything in the USA, have any dealers, while in attendance "in real time" at their respective booths, ever tried to go "virtual" with an online connection by either setting up video conferencing (with a low bandwidth internet connection--crappy, but still)? Or have they to a lesser degree reached-out to the virtual shopper at all? Have they ever connected with fans via the Internet for the purpose of sales, drawings for prizes, bingo, promotions, chat, etc., spontaneously? Or is it all still "in-house" or under the "Big Tent"?

I have noticed some special guest interviews perhaps done this way, but does it stop there?

I think to peruse over cels, anime products, or goods displayed real-time via the Internet would let many more fans participate and enjoy the experience virtually. At a least a limited degree it would be cool~~ as long as paid patrons don't suffer in the process.
Edited Feb 05 at 5:58 AM
Feb 05 at 5:56 AM
Since I help run an anime con we actually considered streaming parts of it, like some of the contests, on the web. But even though our con last time was right next store to Comcast building, didn't have the connections or bandwidth to handle it.

I think it would be nice to do, we just couldn't practically implement it.
Melissa's Cel Gallery
Feb 05 at 3:22 PM
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