oldermens, bearmens, daddyes... cels


I look for cels of olmermens, bearmens, daddyes and something like that. If you have cels that enclose at this description, I buy it! ^__^.

Visit my gallery to samples and visit my wishlist!!

Yayoi Crazylove's Gallery
Jan 27 at 12:45 PM
I am sorry but I don`t understand a word of what you are talking about--

Do you mean "older men" for "olmermens"?
and "bearded men" for "bearmans"??

"daddyes" fathers??

Otherwise, I am lost or "lostisess" ^-^
Jan 27 at 11:58 PM
That is a real specialized collection Crazylove and it makes a nice change from all the Bishonen characters that most people like to collect nowadays.
I too prefer many of the older male characters in series although I wouldn't just go for them because of their facial hair ^__^

E, in Europe big guys with facial hair are sometimes referred to as 'Bears', having watched some bizarre TV programmes there are some (primarily German) organisations whereby older gents with facial hair get together for social events. There are also groups of 'gay bears' who go out into the forests and mess around. I kid you not!
BlueBlade Anime Art
Nov 07 at 6:28 AM
Ahh, okay.. it all makes sense now.. Well, almost... Frolicking hairy.. well you know,, in the woods? That is hilarious =)
Nov 07 at 5:17 PM
Heh, it is a strange sight to see the 'Teddy Bears Picnic' with all these big gay, hairy men in leather straps/clothes. It's a scarey image that will probably remain with me for a while...
BlueBlade Anime Art
Nov 08 at 1:52 PM
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