
I figure this isn't worth an announcement but it is worth maybe an off-topic post. I've contracted some sort of coughing fit over the weekend so some things will be delayed for a while. I will compile the feature galleries that have been sitting around (sorry) and do general housekeeping (changing the poll, etc) soon. After a nap. A long nap.

I've got no luck with holidays, do I? I'm going to go hide in a bomb shelter when Easter rolls around. Something outright horrible is probably going to happen to me. Bleh.

Oh, I just thought of a poll. =p


^_^ don't mind me, testing the edit forum feature
Edited Jan 26 at 12:38 AM
Plastic Future
Jan 06 at 12:32 AM
I have the same problem if I don't have a humidifier going all winter. Try teatree oil on your neck and Ricola cough drops. Drink plenty of green tea and get some rest.
Oni Hime's Palace of Delights
Jan 08 at 9:51 PM
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