Just started an animation art Slack chat.

Hello all! I've been a lurker here for a long time and an animation art collector for even longer. I've been hunting for a good place to chat in real-time about cels and animation art with other collectors. However, it seems that the IRC channels are gone and the Live Chat here is usually empty (or, in some cases, isn't working... at least for me).

So... I went ahead and created one. I used Slack. It has a lot of the same features as IRC, but can be logged into from anywhere. You can log in from a web browser, their mobile client, or using a desktop client if you prefer. It's free and really easy. All you need to do is enter an email address on the signup page and you'll get an email to set your password:


(I hope I'm not stepping on any toes by posting this here. I'm not trying to take anything away from this awesome community. I just think it's nice to have a chat option. :-) )
Dec 10 at 11:18 AM
Hey, good idea

*Update to original post* the problem was fixed as I posted this :P
Edited Dec 11 at 11:42 AM
Dec 11 at 11:41 AM
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