It would be helpful if there was a way to search the forums. I think that would eliminate most of the repeat questions. It would also be useful to have a new stickied topic that details the known bugs/glitches/issues as of January, 2016.

I've been asking if the main search feature can be updated, but I've never gotten a response on that. Right now, the cut off date appears to be sometime around 2013. It's a shame, because I would like to be able to see more recent additions via searching.
Edited Jan 27 at 10:37 PM
Black Mirror
Jan 27 at 10:34 PM
^^Same here :/
Edited Jan 28 at 5:19 AM
Jan 28 at 5:18 AM
Better searching in general would be appreciated. I asked J how the site indexes were cached and how often. I dont think it returns newer additions, but I never received a response. It makes no sense that you can type Goldenboy and only get a fraction of the returns. The search should have more meta data and context to return what youre looking for.
The Startyde
Feb 02 at 3:20 PM
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