which former cel do you most regret selling

Most cel collectors get into a habit of selling cels to buy new cels, or streamlining their collection or other such things. Have you ever sold a cel and then later regretted? Which cel did you use to own that you regret letting go? I miss quite a few of my former cels, but some more than others... The one I regret selling the most...

For me it's this Gundamwing cel of Trowa Barton in his OZ uniform:

Or possibly one of these Escaflowne cels:

What about you?
Van's Cels
Jun 11 at 9:42 AM
My cel of Amelia dead from Hellmaster being crystallized. No idea what I was thinking.
Crystal Temple
Jun 13 at 11:43 AM
oh goodness, yes, selling cels to purchase different cels….been down that road enough times…while there are a few cels i have some regrets about parting ways, the biggest would be a cel of San riding the back of her wolf [princess mononoke] which I let go several years back due to some RL issues, happily I have come across a sequence mate and am waiting for my shipping request to be finished!! Took a long time to recover but this one will not be sold!! Lesson learned.
Teggacat Cels
Jun 14 at 4:50 PM
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