
Any gallery buttons over 10k have been replaced with a simple black graphic. Please be considerate of your fellow collectors who do not have broadband connections and make your gallery buttons as efficient and small as possible.

A good size would be somewhere between 3K and 6K.

On the update page, 20 of these have to be displayed. At the 10k max, that's around 200k of graphics plus another 50k of website overhead to download. For the large percentage who are using dial up to access this site, it takes over a minute and a half to download the updates page alone and can be very frustrating.

Thanks, and to the Americans: enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday. I'll be back Friday to continue work on this site.
Plastic Future
Nov 26 at 10:58 PM
OOoooo Jason one mistake :( can you make them enable again? I cant seem to find my button anywhere on my hard-drive. And I really liked my button. Any way possible I can save it from Rubberslug to my hard drive? and work on it to make it smaller in size? If so can you email it on If im nto around to save it while you enable it back up. *just to save your time* please please
Yipes. Sorry, no can do. The files are all overwritten. I set the filter at 15k instead of 10k to make up for the lack of a proper filter, but there were some people uploading 330k bmps for gallery buttons. Whenever I see one of these, I just run the sweep that copies over a graphic to anyone over 10k. (In this case, 15k.... next time might be more strict.)

I have yet to program the uploader to refuse uploads after a certain size for certain graphics, but it's in big bold letters.

Images in your gallery can be any size you want. Hard drive space is cheap stuff. But gallery buttons display in public spaces so they have to be small.

If you're using a normal graphic with low quality compression, the graphic should not exceed even 6 or 7k.

Sorry about the inconvenience.
Plastic Future
Nov 29 at 2:30 AM
bah! I cant seem to find my button :( looks like
I have to make a new one now :(
S u p e r 1 7 - G e n g a l i c i o u s
Nov 29 at 10:04 AM
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