'Coming Soon' Good or Bad?

I'm considering adding a 'coming soon' section on my site, but I'm split on what to do. Sometimes I want to share my joy on winning a cel, and since I don't possess it yet, this feature is the next best thing. I noticed that some galleries have them, and some do not.

On the positive side, having a 'coming soon' will alert viewers as to what can be expected.

On the negative side, having a 'spoiler' might ruin the mood. Some people like to be surprised.

I just wanted other opinions on this. ^_^
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Jul 28 at 7:52 PM
I've been asking myself the saaame question, if I should put the coming soon or not. As you mentioned, the "surprise factor" is kool, I like even myself to be surprised when the cel comes to my door, what a joy!

One of d'reasons I have not put that section on my gal? 'Cos I tease my friends with a "Hey!! I just got a newbie!!" but don't tell exaaactly what it is ^_^ And they keep looking until, POP! it's there... So there is a mystery to see what it was :)

But that is my humble opinion, I do not like the spoilers myself and try avoid those sections, @ least on my friend's galleries... ^_^
atomic tangerine's binder
Jul 28 at 8:13 PM
I considered this a while ago myself. But i decided that I like to surprise people, and I also don't want to jinx myself. I get the sudden fear that if I display a cel on the way that it will not show up or something O.o;;

That WOULD be my luck too.. :/

I don't mind the Rubberslug "coming soon" sections, though, most of the time people upload something that no one can see ANYWAYS. :PP

IF you feel you MUST put it in your gallery before it gets there, get half the satisfaction by posting it privately in your gallery. Then when you get it, you can update it in it's designated area. :D Sure, no one will see it (unless they know your password), but it will be there, and you will have gotten that "must post now" feeling out of your system! ;)
Golden Dawn
Jul 29 at 8:28 PM
What I do for my coming soon section is I put some up of the cels up and some I just wait until I get them. That way you can give a preview and still have a surprise.
Got No Need For A Name...
Jul 31 at 1:48 AM
I don't see anything wrong with a "Coming Soon Gallery" either, as long as you have the right info on the cel. When I won one of my cels (the Merlin Dragon), I grabbed the picture off the listing page and showed everybody right away. Turns out the actual pose I won was different. (Close enough for me not to complain, but not the one I showed people). I know how badly we want to show off our new cels, so I think "Coming Attractions" is a good idea.
Cat's Litterbox of Cels
Aug 01 at 11:14 PM
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