Sweet Alexia, please contact me ASAP

If you happen to be reading this, I lost your emails as some worthless human piece of dung hacked & deleted my email.

I feel truly bad about telling you this, but we're in a financial breakdown due to moving and everything related (bought a house + interior, can't pay back mortgage...) and we need every cent rather now than later.
Please contact me asap. Before I put the cel on eBay, I want to give you, who was the first to make an offer, another chance, but I'm really sorry, I cannot wait until December.
I know I told you December was ok, but when I said so, I didn't know yet of my mother leasing fat trucks to transport some outtatheblue disco interior she bought plus additional repairs on the house that turned up only now (ever had a chain smoker at home when your gaspipe had was gaping?).

If she's not reading - all I know about her is that her nick is something like *see subject* and she contacted me through Rubberslug. Her eMail domain was something well-known like Hotmail or AOL. If you know her, please give me her eMail address!

Thanks a lot
Money's Grave - Mother's Grief
Nov 14 at 2:22 PM
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