rubberslug "darwin" award?

This cracks me up. Every day there's this kid who sets up two or more or these "Rising Warrior" and "Falling Warrior" galleries. He sits there and uploads some artbook pictures. I can tell from the logs that this takes a non-trivial amount of time, yet the next morning I can ban every one of his little mini-galleries in about 15 seconds flat.

Man, I love the new banning tools. *mmmmwah*

His e-mail might be I think he's set up at least 12 accounts, all of which have been closed in record time.

If you have nothing to do, egg him on! Let him know how infinitely cool he is. Thank goodness I have someone to test on. Too bad this other guy gave up:

was good for at least a laugh a day.

The next gallery puts up will be subject to the "kitten treatment". Hee hee. I can't find the forum thread where I posted about the "kitten treatment". I have yet to do this to anyone yet, but this kiddo is really asking for it.

Plastic Future
Nov 07 at 8:37 AM
Ok, this kid has been ticking me off. And glad you have closed the previous galleries made.

But now that you are talking "kitten treatment" I hope for one more from the little doofus.

That would be purrrrfect!

lol, sorry for the bad pun ^_~
Nov 07 at 10:51 AM
Awwww, and I was having fun with the 'banning trigger.' :D
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Nov 07 at 4:28 PM
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