sight unseen


How important is being a fan of what you're buying? Do you buy on based on art alone?
Plastic Future
Nov 07 at 12:00 AM
I answered yes.. because for a while I had a decent number of cels from Tenshi ni Narumon, and I hadn't seen it yet. I've finally seen it... what a relief that I liked it as much as I did :D

I still have a few other cels from shows I haven't seen, but I try to keep that to a minimum. I also don't like spending a lot of money on cels from shows i haven't seen.

I'm surprised that so many people do this!
Golden Dawn
Nov 08 at 1:07 AM
I also said yes. I know I am preaching to the choir but cels are works of art. We have to respect that fact; some people my self included collect because we like the art. If the cel happens to come from a show we have seen that can help make it more diserable for some. But, don't pass on a cel because you don't know it's origin. Finding out about them can be it's own little adventure. In short if you like it, and you have the ability, get the cel you'll be glad you did.
Catgirls, Beauties & Other Cels
Nov 08 at 3:02 AM
[quote]I know I am preaching to the choir but cels are works of art.[/quote]

Has everyone already heard about my opinion that the vast majority of cels are of dubious artistic value? =)

Without trying to sound like a high school art teacher, cels are art simply because they are creative works wrought with purpose.

I've seen fantastic cels from obscure games and ovas (at least, I've never heard of them) that have really inspired, flowy lines that go in the bargain bin. On the other hand, I've seen cels of really generic characters and framing that sell for great gobs of money.
Plastic Future
Nov 09 at 2:48 AM
I search the bargain bins just for those cels! I am always willing to buy cels from anime I've never seen if the work is, at least to me, interesting enough. I've also seen some great game cels that I really wanted. Conversely, I have way overpaid for cels I wanted not because of the art but the content. I think it all depends on my mood at the time ^_~
Nearachd Nathair Sgiathach
Nov 09 at 11:05 AM
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