preserving my cel-how to frame

I have a few cels fro DBZ and Gundam. I would like to preserve them for as long as possible while displaying them.

A couple of months ago i asked a framer to frame them in archival glass and with non-acid mattes. he did so, but let the cels remain touching the backgrounds, and the cels are no longer in their bags. Will this kill the cels in the long run? If this causes the cels to stick to the background, then will this ultimately ruin the cel?

What method of framing should i have him use then for my next cel? I thought this guide looked pretty good, but it doesnt recommend leaving the cel inside the bag.

What should i do?
Edited Feb 06 at 8:11 AM
It's over 9000
Feb 06 at 8:11 AM
The biggest thing you have to worry about with cels touching their background is that the background can always bleed into the cel, and thus, discolor it. The age of the background is unimportant - the paint from the cels will react with the paint on the background anyways.

You might want to try some of these threads on Anime-Beta for further advice -

Hope this helps and welcome to RS!
Cutiebunny's Coven
Feb 06 at 9:06 AM
Thanks for the help!

I have a cel thats stuck to it's background. im assuming i need to unstick it somehow.
How can i do this?
It's over 9000
Feb 07 at 9:50 AM
Depending on how stuck the cel is to the background, you may be able to carefully remove it yourself without damage to the cel. However, it it's plastered on to the background, you may have to send it to SR Labs to get it removed. It can be a slow and expensive process, though. If the cel is valuable and/or means a lot to you, I'd consider sending it to SR Labs.
Cutiebunny's Coven
Feb 07 at 1:07 PM
And if not, then i just surrender it to it's fate?
I wanted to frame it, but it would cost like 70+ to frame it and now im reconsidering.

Also, i dont need to worry about line fade with sketches, correct?
It's over 9000
Feb 07 at 2:27 PM
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