would you collect sketches?


With new cels becoming more and more rare, would you shift your collecting focus or would you continue to collect from your older favorites?

Personally, I think all the real "art" part of animation really happens at the earlier levels of cel production... but cels have better colors.
So, I dunno. Heck, I wish I had the time and money to collect either right now. =/
Plastic Future
Oct 20 at 4:58 AM
I don't know what a good idea collecting the new anime sketches will be until they set up some sort of positive identification system. What is to stop a production compnay or single artist from rifling off 30 of the same pose in an hour, signing them, then selling them at high prices? If each new series had a set amount of sketches and some sort of "official" documentation sent with the sketch, that's one thing.... but just a sketch? Anyone can take a piece of carbon paper and fake it. It's so much easier than duplicating an actual cel. The actual pre-artwork is always interesting to see, but I wouldn't pay top money for something that may or may not be "official". If they document them right, then the sketches will have to do in place of cels. If there's no guarantee of authenticity, this is real shaky ground.
Cat's Litterbox of Cels
Oct 24 at 5:46 PM
...."company", dammit. I hate typos.

Cat's Litterbox of Cels
Oct 24 at 5:47 PM
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