blog comments broken atm

Oops, I apparently broke blog commenting in the patch. A fix is forthcoming.
Edited Nov 19 at 10:43 AM
Plastic Future
Nov 19 at 10:43 AM
Blog comments are now fixed, with the nice bonus of all the blogs actually showing up on the update page as intended instead of some being omitted. Sorry about that!

Plastic Future
Nov 19 at 11:43 AM
Awesome! Thanks! :)

Only thing... now the community tab seems broken. :(
Sorry that this is just one bug after the other for you.
Nov 19 at 11:58 AM
Nah, I only broke it because I assumed that I had used the same code for the home page blog updates as I did for the blog updates on the community page. Not true! I managed to create the same piece of code twice, unknowingly, both with the exact same bugs. lol?

Don't worry about me. I'm thrilled that I finally have a somewhat finished product I can point to. All of this stuff is relatively easy and I appreciate the bug reports greatly. It would take forever for me to find this stuff on my own!
Plastic Future
Nov 19 at 12:14 PM
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