settei popular animes (hard to find)

why is so hard to find setteis in high quality ?

I tried to find decent dragon ball z settei (and only find few decent ones), same happens with bleach and death note

I already have all rubberslug's community settei, but some a low quality, where do i find high quality settei (other animes too)
bastard lagoon
Sep 09 at 12:36 PM
[quote]I already have all rubberslug's community settei.[/quote]

So, did you buy the settei sheets from anime that other RS collectors own or did you save a copy of their settei & print it out?

If it's the latter, unless you received the owner's permission, I don't think many collectors would appreciate you copying their images - especially if you plan on making a gallery using their scans.
Cutiebunny's Coven
Sep 09 at 9:48 PM
No(never)... I don't have money to buy it , I will never use other images to create my own gallery or sell them, my only "intention" is for reference (I print them and I use them as reference for my drawings)
I just print black/white settei for reference and it's very hard to find them in high quality, I found black lagoon's settei(amazing in high quality), but since the owner(beatrush) doesn't reply me back, I can't download the full size file(password)
bastard lagoon
Sep 10 at 2:11 AM
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