Double/Triple Posts

Is there some twitch caused by the website refurbishing that is causing new threads to post multiple times? I've noticed this several times now.

I'm posting partly to see if this post (being made from the new RS platform) also generates a duplicate thread.

Edit: I see that it doesn't. Well, then there is a bug now in the old (retro white letters on black screen) platform. That needs some attention, Jason.

Edit 2: Now I see that there are double posts in the blogs as well and that the default on the forum is to triple post.

Jaaaaaaaaaason! Where are you???
Edited Aug 10 at 8:11 PM
Sensei's Anime Gallery
Aug 10 at 9:44 AM
I'm trying to get the server rebooted for the last two days but the person in charge of that isn't responding. Something broke on the server and I don't know what, but a lot of weird things are happening.
Plastic Future
Aug 11 at 11:44 AM
Okay, I figured out what I did. I deleted a directory that I thought wasn't being used anymore after switching over to the new system. Wrong!

Chalk it up to another reason why old Rubberslug can't go away soon enough. New Rubberslug is so much nicer to me (and you all will hopefully feel the same).
Plastic Future
Aug 12 at 1:26 AM
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