I'm new to RS: Guyver + X-Men collector

Hi everybody! Not sure if this is the right place for this message (I'm new to the site), but wanted to say hi. I'm mainly looking for zoanoid cels from Guyver (esp. Zerbebuth) and villains from the X-Men Pilot (90s series as well). A couple of my Guyver cels I might be willing to sell or trade (Aptom, Enzaim/Enzyme). Also, for those of you who collect original comic art, check out comicartfans if you haven't already. (That's where I originally come from!)

Dave (DoA)
daveofapocalypse's cel collection
Jun 10 at 8:38 AM
I'm also into Ninja Scroll and Robot Carnival, though I don't have anything from those yet!
daveofapocalypse's cel collection
Jun 10 at 8:40 AM
Hi, Dave!

Glad to have you here. We're going to be launching a new version of the site soon to try to branch out from animation art into other things that make sense soon, too. There's quite a few comic art collectors here on Rubberslug because the interests often overlap... a very good thing.

As you might have guessed, the focus of the community here tends to be heavier on the anime side (in part because that's what I know so the site was tailored to this when I started). Our focus is widening though, one gallery at a time.

Let me know if you have any problem using the site. Have fun!
Edited Jun 10 at 1:22 PM
Plastic Future
Jun 10 at 1:20 PM
Welcome aboard to RS, glad you got your account set-up. Hopefully fellow sluggers can hook you up with some Guyver and X-Men cel leads.
Baron V's Animation Cel Gallery
Jun 10 at 4:02 PM
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