Please I need help w/site

Okay I own the site Super Saiyan Gohan's Rage.
Now I have some questions
1. My banner is not working I just have a red x
2. The pic of my cel is not working I just have a red x.

Any help would be great
Super Saiyan Gohan
Super Saiyan Gohan's Rage
Aug 03 at 5:07 PM
Maybe your file format is wrong (your file extention?)

Make sure that you are uploading files that have a " jpg or jpeg " file extension. If you are trying to upload "bitmap" or something else, might be the reason for your images not coming out.

(if Win pc) Use your mouse and right-click on the image file, choose "properties" and you can see what the images file extension (jpeg, tiff, bitmap,etc.)

On Windows:

If you want to change a "bitmap" to jpeg/jpg file : right-click your mouse button,>clck--"open with",> then click, "choose program",> click on -"Microsoft Paint", and with this program after it opens up, if it is a bitmap image you can, "Save As" and look for jpeg in the chooser window box,select jpg/jpeg, and now your bitmap will be saved into jpeg format. A format that you can upload.

Hope that is the problem,

Aug 03 at 10:10 PM
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