How do you delete sold shop items?


Well, just like the title says, I was wondering if anyone knows how to delete your closed shop items.


Jun 18 at 1:57 AM
Closed shop items cannot be deleted. Jason had his reasons, but we don't remember what they were. ^__^;
Jun 18 at 7:23 AM
Hi ^_^

That is really weird but thanks for letting me know ^^

Jun 18 at 12:13 PM
Not just weird - hugely annoying, especially when you have had over a hundred cels in there and there is no way to delete sold or discontinued ones.

It would be nice if you could at least reorder them to have the current ones on top and the sold/discontinued on the bottom.

A Little Cel Remedy
Aug 27 at 7:53 AM
Can we at least hide them from our own view as we are organizing and sorting our collections? This would be really helpful.

Oh and just learned everything that was discontinued is now available! The only way around this we found is to MANUALLY change each and every single item to unavailable. Really is not fun for people who have multiple listings.

Thanks for considering Lobster King! =)
Edited Nov 30 at 1:13 PM
M O M O's cels
Nov 30 at 12:41 PM
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