always a bridesmaid?

Well, that sounds kinda fruity coming from a guy. But I suppose it's true. I've only got a handful of unmarried or not-going-to-be-married-in-the-forseeable-future friends. That seems weird. I'm only in my early twenties.

My older brother is getting married in two days so I'm going to be away for the weekend. Please direct all correspondance to your favorite mod.

Things I know I haven't done:

- The contest still needs advertising and a new finish date.
- Features still need to be done.
- About a half dozen e-mails need replying
- Paid attention.

Things I have done:

- Presplit Insert/Postsplit Insert -/+ (MUHAHA! You will never know what that means!)

Plastic Future
Jun 20 at 11:22 AM
I know the feeling Jason...
I'm also in my early twenties, and I've been attending weddings and being PART of them. My best friend married a couple of years ago even... (and divorced too! woot!). I have another freind who is working on having a baby with her hubby. In the meantime, I'm working on my sixth year of college.. hoping to graduate before I'm 25 (ya know, before my dad's insurance is dropped O.o;) I don't want to grow up (I wanna be a toys r us kid).

The toys r us kid,
Golden Dawn
Jun 21 at 11:47 PM
OK! Now I feel really old. Thanks a lot! Still single and no longer in my twenties. I just had my birthday last week and kept getting asked, "So when are you going to settle down?" I'm very picky and don't want to just settle. Many of my friends are married, some with kids, but that's alright. I think I just wanted to experience life more before getting into a solid relationship. I travel much more than my married friends. And the best part is I feel so good when they tell me they're jealous of me because I can just go anytime I want. Is that wrong of me?

I guess what I'm saying is don't worry. You still have a few good years before you get the teasing I get.

Cel Envy
Jun 22 at 9:48 PM
You just had a b-day too, eh? I'm not in my 20's either but have been in a long term relationship since I was in my 20's. We've been together longer than most of my friends have been married or even been in a relationship! Wedding bells? Who knows - all that is important is that you're happy. If you're single and happy, what's the big deal? I'd think that it would be better than being married and unhappy...

but then again, I'm weird...

single, but taken-
buma's gallery of cels
Jun 25 at 2:45 PM
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