What the hell?!RUBBERSLUG?!

What the hell?!My cel gallery is gone!I cant even look at it any more?!I really have those cels to!So please put it back up?!You prob.dont think I have them but if I knew you I would show them to you and say haha to all of you that dont belive me!
May 28 at 7:33 AM

Jason and crew love to just drop galleries. It gives them the feeling of power and importance. I was tired of all the B.S. so I got my own site where I can sell and post whatever I want. Maybe you should look into that.

Good Luck!
Some Dude
Jun 05 at 5:12 PM
I guess you might also advise him not to steal images from your gallery while you are be so gracious as to advising him to find space. I guess misery loves company.

No one likes to close anyones FREE gallery. But, while providing free bandwidth and a space to post RS has its limitations and rules. The myth that you want to create of meaness, simply doesn`t exist in reality.
Jun 05 at 7:17 PM
As I've mentioned in the other thread, I would love to work out this situation via email. I've met you halfway and I need your help in contacting me so we can resolve this.

Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
Jun 06 at 12:57 AM
I think it all just a hoax...nothing better to do, or to say. That post is the exact same cut and paste remark from the other one... The only difference this time, is that another lame post followed it.
Jun 06 at 6:37 AM
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