How annoying... Grr..

I got this message in my email the other day:

Feedback was sent from Anime[tion] Art, your cel gallery at Rubberslug:

Name: Ash
Comment: Hi,

Get cheap DBZ/GT cels...ranging from SS Vegitto to Bebi Gohan

me back ^^

.... First off, I have no interest in DBZ cels, second, I do believe this person is probably breaking not one but several of RS's rules.. Third, this has nothing to do with my gallery, and I am very annoyed that a member chose to use my feedback form for spamming purposes.
Anime[tion] Art
May 24 at 10:43 PM
This type of behavior will not be tolerated.

*pulls out large sword* ... *swish*

Just shows that if you give someone an inch, they take a yard. Let this be yet another warning to anyone who thinks zero tolerance means anything but.

Sorry to have this joker inconvenience you. I've been visiting some friends out of town so I didn't get a chance to do this right away.

Plastic Future
May 26 at 7:31 PM
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