Question about bogus RS sites

Is there a way to report phoney sites? I'm really sick of people posting them, and I notice that there are a lot of them about.
If there is not another way to keep track of them, would a list in the forums be a decent solution?

If I'm just being a jerk let me know, and I'll shut up. Admins can delete this if they see fit.
Black Mirror
May 20 at 4:51 PM
It is amazing that there are still some pranksters out there. Recently, there has been a big (HUGE) crack-down on false galleries. I personally saw to it on many occassions that fake sites were immediately closed. Although, it seems it may take some more "browsing" by us.

Hopefully, the sites that you have seen have been created in the last month or so. It took me quite a while to go through over 2 years worth of site creations, the last time.

Anyway, to answer your questions; you can post your concerns over a phoney site to one of the moderators
here. Try not to contact the admin (jn) unless you have something very urgent.

A posted list would not be advisable, since we do sometimes negotiate with people and they sometimes turn around, wake up, and rehabilitate their sites with the proper format. It would not be kind to berate them publicly, unless they get really out of hand.

For now, just send your list of phoney sites to me if you`d like and I`ll look into the matter.

Thank you for your concerns,

May 20 at 5:59 PM
What I meant by "posting your concerns", is to e-mail one of the moderators...not posting here.
May 20 at 6:01 PM
Thank you for the information. I will keep track of the sites I come across over the next few weeks and I'll send the list to you once it's more substantial. For the record, I had no intention of berating anyone or any site. Anyways, please feel free to delete this now.
Black Mirror
May 20 at 9:00 PM
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