Trouble in editing text

I updated today, then realized I needed to make a minor verbal change in the text accompanying the cel. When I go to "Manage Cels" and hit "edit" by the cel, I get the usual screen, except it's accompanied by the following message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'
Overflow: 'CInt'

/member/inv_edit.asp, line 282

I can make the change in the text box, but there's no "Apply changes" button at the bottom of the screen, so I can't actually make the changes on my cel page. The screen ends with the buttons for changing the images and the instructions to remember to hit "Apply changes" below ... but there's no below.

Whad'I do wrong?
Sensei's Anime Gallery
Feb 27 at 5:03 PM
It happened to me too :(

Chances are that it has happened to everyone, and it'll be fixed soon.
Feb 27 at 6:07 PM
Is it still happening? I can't seem to reproduce this error on my side. Let me know a) if it's still broken and b) what cel is broken when you try to edit it.


Plastic Future
Feb 27 at 11:32 PM
Its fixed now. Thanks
Feb 28 at 7:36 AM
I could do it today. The cel that caused it is my new "Kitty" cel in "Costumes." (Maybe the expression on her face scared your server?)
Sensei's Anime Gallery
Feb 28 at 8:25 AM
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