Gallery Counter

When ever you refresh your gallery or every time you visit you gallery, it's adds one more to your counter. This allows you to not determine how many people visit your site a day or how many visited your gallery since. But I don't think it's a biggy.
Feb 26 at 8:37 PM
I don't recommend believing anything that counter tells you. Yes, you could really give yourself a confidence booster by clicking refresh on your own site a billion times. I stress again though, it's not a contest.

How I'm fixing this (not in yet, but planned):

1) Clicking on "preview my site" will take you to a "staging" version of your site that won't track hits.

2) The last person who visited your page will be recorded so if they hit the page again, it won't keep counting them until somone else comes.

It still wouldn't fix the problem but it will be a little more accurate. Also, each page will have a counter so that you can see which items are most popular and which pages get visited the most.

I feel silly telling people about stuff that won't exist for a long time. It's going to be awhile still before the next major update....

Plastic Future
Feb 26 at 11:29 PM
(no text)
Feb 27 at 11:10 AM


ps - the counter sucks, it does need to be changed.
Plastic Future
Feb 27 at 11:48 PM
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