
I dunno what all your adding to the new setup Jason. Is there any voting bars being added? I was just wondering which of my cels people liked most. I thought it might be kinda neat to have a voting option added to your gallery. Maybe it can be requested instead of everyone having it. Just a small suggestion.
Thrance's Cels
Jan 25 at 6:42 PM
As of now...

Voting, no.
Comments, yes. (Not yet done with this one, will implement when the main site templates get a rework.)

Everything will run on an on/off switch.

The new stuff should be up in a few hours. It isn't really the final version, but it is a good skeleton that I can work on and get features posted into while I work more so that people can see their feature galleries they've been waiting on for the last three weeks.

After all of this goes up, turning the old database into the new database (migration) is the top priority. After that, the community market so people can sell things again.

At least my computer isn't on fire like it was two nights ago. I value that among life's little pleasures.

Plastic Future
Jan 27 at 1:25 AM
Neat! I like the comments option idea! ^_^
Shadow of a Dream
Feb 09 at 8:24 PM
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