Search results problems

When I search for galleries I sometimes find galleries that don't exist.
For instance the gallery "Gundam Gallery" that you find when you search for "Gundam".
Jan 21 at 11:25 AM
One possibility is that the gallery is closed. There is an option for you to close your gallery and keep it that way. There is a least one collector that I know that keeps his gallery closed and opens it only for private viewing.

Also, there are some galleries that are closed by RS for other reasons, and their titles are still active. In that case, there may be a need to "clean up". Right now the site in growing and at the same time going through a major transition in format. Most likely these "empty" sites will in turn be deleted, but for now I would assume that it is one of those very low priority items at the moment for the admin. who is very busy with many other higher priority issues. ^-^

Jan 21 at 5:07 PM
Closed galleries weren't being filtered. They are now. I'm such a silly database programmer.

Plastic Future
Feb 03 at 1:23 AM
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