Huge anime cel lot ON SALE

Need to get rid of 125 cels ASAP..

In fact, Im desperate...

Here are the places to view the lot

Giant Robo cels (53 cels):

Anime (43 cels):
backgrounds not included. read description.)

Monster Genga (8 genga):

about 21 cels not shown from series such as Hakugei, Inu Yasha, and Cutey Honey

Asking price is a sale price of $4500 which is roughly $36 a cel. which some of them are worth a hell of a lot more..
(one of those cels was $300)

I accept only Paypal and welcome credit card payments.
I will also do a payment plan provided I can get $1000 up front.

Great for store inventory !!

Please let me know if you are interested ASAP
Measly Cels o' da Kami
May 10 at 5:49 PM
PRICE DOWN TO $3550 !!

I mean, this really is an awesome, VERY CHEAP price for all these cels you'll get. Its a big blow to me to sell so low, but I dont have the time to sell them indivually.

Im in a bit of financial trouble and desperately need help !! =(

Im also selling art commissions...
Measly Cels o' da Kami
May 13 at 2:42 AM
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