gallery opened since???

i was wondering if you have some idea how to change the date my gallery was opened?

i know that i didnt open my gallery on 1/7/02 and it kinda disturdes me that it says that.
this only appears on the page when i login into my personal pages...not when you look at my gallery page.

can you help gix this???

please :)

cyborg 17
Droids Droids Droids
Jan 19 at 1:30 PM
All the galleries say that at the top. The COUNTER was installed on 1/7/2002. I don't really understand why it's dated... but that's a different story.

Some people also have their galleries (on the public pages) dated wrong for "active since". Even mine is dated wrong. *shrug*

Neither of these is crucial though. Hope that helps.
Golden Dawn
Jan 19 at 6:14 PM
Since most people don't remember a time before the wholly inaccurate counter was installed, I got rid of it.

As far as the gallery created thing, I'm pretty sure the way I designed it was busted from the start. I really should just put the date that people's accounts were opened. The gallery open date is the date that the first cel was put into the gallery (I think).

Plastic Future
Feb 03 at 1:22 AM
From what I recall, the date listed as the gallery open date was the actual date I opened my gallery (for me anyway). I added cels to my gallery two months before I ever opened it, as I played around for my site a long time while it was closed. So it's not the date when the first cel was added (again for me).
Lunar Reflections
Feb 04 at 10:49 PM
That's pretty bad when I can't even remember how my own website works. I'll come up with some definitive explanation... um.... someday. Not now. Brain-splitting headache right now.

Plastic Future
Feb 06 at 2:54 AM
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