Gallery update page question

I'm not sure if this has even been disgussed in the forums before, sorry if it has.

I'm curious about the 'recent gallery updates' section of Rubberslugs main page. I've noticed that when I make a minor update to my gallery that it quickly disappears from the main update page but can be seen on the 'more updated galleries' page. I know that as new updates from other galleries pop up then previous updated pages will shift and eventually end up on the 'more updated galleries' page. What I don't understand is why does my update disappear off the page while other updates before mine are still visible on the front page? Is is because recently updated 'sponsored' galleries have priority over regular galleries?

I hope my post doesn't seem confusing. :P
Thanks for the help with any info given!
A Mahoujin Guru Guru Gallery
Jan 21 at 9:18 PM
If I recall correctly, three of the six spaces on the front page are reserved for "sponsor" galleries, so if a non-sponsor gallery updates and there are only 3 sponsors on the main page, that will bump off the oldest non-sponsor.
Gabriel's cels
Jan 21 at 11:53 PM
That's what I thought was happening.
After I made this post yesterday a few more 'regular' galleries were updated and a couple of the 'sponor' galleries were bumped to the next page.
Edited Jan 22 at 9:06 AM
A Mahoujin Guru Guru Gallery
Jan 22 at 9:04 AM
I'm quite thoroughly confused now.
But I'm not worried. ^_^
Aernath's Heartthrobs
Jan 22 at 7:24 PM
I too noticed this once and came to the same conclusion as Gabriel. I noticed I was bumped off the main page when there were three sponsor galleries on the bottom row that were updated later than mine. So instead of being fourth in the list of recently updated, I was bumped down past the sponsors.

Doesn't bother me though, it's one of the perks the sponsors have. ^_^
Nene's Gallery
Jan 22 at 8:22 PM
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