Taking Offers on my movie Van cel

With the pending sale of my Allen cel, I am considering selling my Van cel just because I kinda dont really want to collect Esca cels anymore after losing that cel of TV Van running that was on Mandarake.
So if you're interested in him, send me an offer via feedback. Im only thinking about selling at this time and not really commited yet. I just want to see what I could get for him.. If one happens to be really good (what I had in mind) then I'd probably accept it.

Measly Cels o' da Kami
Oct 24 at 2:30 PM
Since no one seems to be biting.. Im just going to list him on eBay for the standard duration.. If he doesnt sell, well.. I guess Ill keep him and not let him relist.
Measly Cels o' da Kami
Oct 24 at 10:54 PM
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