Pic for Gallery listing

I have tried everything to get my gallery pic to show. Is there a certain size the pic needs to be?
Nov 17 at 10:39 PM
I'm not sure if Jason did this, but he may have prevented people from using super-huge images condensed and distorted to tiny little blocks by limiting the size of the images you want to use there. I think it says in that section (where you upload it), exactly the dimensions it is. You should probably keep it small, since having a huge image load into a tiny space takes forever, and is kindof wasteful ^^;. Try a smaller image and see how that works. If it doesn't, then I can't tell ya....
Golden Dawn
Nov 18 at 9:18 AM
Thanks I will resize and try it again.

Thank you
Nov 18 at 10:33 PM
I think spin had the right answer, but if not....could it be that the pics format isnt .jpg or .gif? I think those are the only images that can be shown on here.
Thrance's Cels
Nov 18 at 11:41 PM
Some of these aren't showing up. I've noticed this for a while, but everything seems kosher on our end.

Here's somethings to note:

- JPGs are the format of choice here. Images should be 120x50. GIFs can be used, but we're currently trying to phase that out. There's way too many problems with GIFs. PNG is technically okay since 95% of the people out there have browsers that support them now.

BMP, TIF, PSD, PCX, and anything else of the sort are all Very Bad Ideas. Most of these formats are incompatible with the Internet in general.

- Ensuring you have the latest version of Internet Explorer is the catch-all cure to most problems around here. I think they're up to 6.0. Make sure you get the service packs, because there's some rather fruity bugs in 6.0.

- If all else fails, e-mail me the picture and I'll see if I can upload it myself. Make sure you remind me of the name of your gallery so I don't get it all confused.

Hope all this helps.

Plastic Future
Nov 19 at 11:07 PM
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