chat room



testing out a new little chat room. It doesn't require Flash or Java or anything like that, just a plan old browser. Essentially, it's just a little test app. I'll try to leave myself idling in there. We'll add more functionality there sometime in the future, but for now it's just for support questions and stuff.

I really need it to play sounds when someone types something so I can just leave it open while I work.

(Yeah, I know this is in the wrong forum. Oh well.)

Note: There's a fairly decent chance it won't work for Macs. It's been tested with IE6 and Firefox 1.02. Please let us know any browser and operating system combination and yields a non-working chat room.
Edited May 31 at 11:15 AM
Plastic Future
May 28 at 10:00 PM
This will be one of the best playgrounds on the web when your done.
and at warp speed to boot.
Thanks Jason and Matt
May 28 at 10:46 PM
Wow, half an hour later we have a whopping five people in chat. I'll do a number of improvements in the near future, including:

- more colors
- optional bells notifying people of posts
- better formatting
- less kicking, double posts, and other browser crashing nonsense

If you're around right now (Saturday 11 PM CST), come join us. Most of us have never actually spoken to each other in real time so it's a lot of fun.
Plastic Future
May 28 at 11:27 PM
A new toy! You're full of surprises my friend.
Rheytarian's Anime Alcove
May 29 at 2:10 AM
wow cool dude!!

just tried it in both firefox(1.0.4) and Avant(8.02) seems to work ok in both.

Pity I live in the UK, time differences mean I'm not gonna be able to enjoy chatting with people when everyone is on, apart from weekends.

But I suppose changing time is beyond even your powers.
Edited May 29 at 8:49 AM
May 29 at 8:47 AM
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