Kami's Lame Celblog

Meanasaurus REX !!
last modified: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 (7:02:04 PM)
I finished a drawing today I thought I'd share.

Here's the story behind it:

I was talking on the phone with my friend and at one point I called myself a meanasaurus rex after being pointed out that I was saying something obnoxious about someone. (cant remember what I said or who it was about)

So it became a running theme.
Meanasaurus rex found its way into our regular dialog.

The other day I was sitting at work when I got the idea to draw my mascot character Kami and her love interest Spastic Elf (based on my friend) dressed as dinosaurs. More specifically, I wanted her to represent a Meansaurus rex.
So I started doodling and got a lovely result. I drew her in costume smooshing something with her foot. I thought long and hard about what it could be to show her as mean, but not sadistic.
The first thing that came to mind was a bunch of flowers.

Then I wanted to draw Spaz.
but should I draw him normal or keep the dino theme?

I went with the latter and sent a text message to my unsuspecting friend asking him to name his fave non t-rex dino.
He replied "Ankylosaurus"

and this was born:
re: Meanasaurus REX !!Wednesday, May 03, 2006 - 7:45:43 PM

LOL! thats great XD

re: Meanasaurus REX !!Wednesday, May 03, 2006 - 8:06:33 PM

Haha, very amusing (great art, too!)

re: Meanasaurus REX !!Wednesday, May 03, 2006 - 8:40:52 PM

I forgot to mention that Kami is a blue demon complete with horns, wings, and a demon tail..
Since I dont show off my art too often, I dont think many people would understand why she has wings.

re: Meanasaurus REX !!Thursday, May 04, 2006 - 1:29:07 AM

OMG I love it! Keep up the good work and show us more. ^_^