last modified: Thursday, May 29, 2008 (7:57:50 PM)
Completely forgot A-kon was this weekend. O_O Sheer coincidence informed us that it was, indeed, that time of year again. It's as predictable as the tide, but we just freakin' forgot! >_< Ugh. Wouldn't be the first time we forgot a con. =B Der.
We stood in line for a couple hours to pick up our early registration badges. Why don't they just mail the damn badges? I'd pay a fee for that convenience. Cons are always a smelly affair, but at least you can roam freely throughout the dealer's room, or where ever. But the pre-reg line AL-WAYS blows. Bunch of excited otakus coughing without covering their mouths, getting uncomfortably close to any available breast, overlapping personal space issues and the utter lack of deodorant. Yes, we can tell you've attended the entire con without showering. T_T Not cool.
On the flip side, lots of neato things to scope out, cel books to flip through and pics to take. EEE! ^_^
Can you imagine the utter devastation come Monday morning if we had forgotten to go? ^^; Let's not think about that screwy alternate universe and be grateful.