Where is everyone?
last modified: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 (10:58:50 PM)
It seems Beta and RS have been kind of dead lately. Where is everyone? What's everyone doing? I know people have lives which extend beyond cels and I'm curious to know what everyone has been up to lately. People don't seem to blog as often, even updates are slow.
Personally, I've been without a scanner due to the move. I now have scanner access but still too busy to sit down and take the time to scan cels for new updates. I'd like to get back into a regular updating routine but it won't be for some time.
School has started for some folks, which might explain the slow down. So, where have you been? What have you been up to? If you haven't been buying cels, what have you been spending your money on?
Lately I've been revisiting some neglected hobbies, such as video games and gashapon. I've also had to spend money on household items. We recently purchased a Dyson vacuum cleaner, which was $500+ for the basic model but it's well worth the investment. They work wonderfully and never need bags or filters. Fantastic machine!
I almost forgot! This weekend is Anime Fest, woooo! Anyone else going? =)
I hope this blog inspires others to get active again.