
Thank You, Ronin!
last modified: Sunday, January 29, 2006 (1:38:10 PM)
Awwww, yay! Andy (http://ronin.rubberslug.com/) sent me a lovely Christmas package from England. ^_^ It included a matured Christmas pudding, which says "A matured, moist Christmas pudding packed with vine fruits, cherries, pecans, almonds and laced with port and cognac." Sounds delicious, I've actually never had a Christmas pudding before and I'm eager to try this one. It resembles a small bread pudding and is filled with dark fruits *_*

You can read more about Christmas pudding here and see some pictures too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_pudding

Andy was also sweet enough to send a Christmas card which included an original piece of art by Andy as well! T-T I'm so happy! Thanks very much <3<3 You've totally made my day and I can't thank you enough.

I plan to scan the artwork inside the card and post it in my gallery. ^_^ hahaha.

re: Thank You, Ronin!Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 3:48:59 AM

Awww glad you finally got it... and there''s no need to thank me!! ^__^ Twas my pleasure!! But I feel pretty cheap now...everyone seems to be outdoing me and sending better stuff!! Let me know what you think of it tho...I bet it''s too rich for Miss Toni! hahah!

And you should really not scan that atrocious pic I did...I remember it being a quick sketch...as it does get tiring after drawing similar pics in everyone’s cards! Hahah!! So really, I don''t wanna be seeing it lowering the exceptional quality in your wonderful gallery! ^_^

Oh yeah...SWEET updates recently! I''ve been missing all the best stuff while I''ve been away! That Ryu cel rocks!! *steals*