Webcomic, Flowers, Laughter and Beta.
last modified: Friday, January 13, 2006 (12:53:18 AM)
Beta is finally back! Yay! =)
New webcomic was posted! I forgot to mention it tho. O_O So sorry! (Big thanks to Butterfly for harrassing me about that LOL). It's a one shot that anyone can enjoy. The visual pop culture reference is for Mokman and GB. Should be VERY obvious for them. ;-)
Today is officially my birthday now! ^_^ I think my birthday killed Beta tho! T-T Haha. I am dying to get back on there, I haven't had the chance to save down Andy's art work and post it in my RS gallery. Mwhahah! (sorry Andy, hope you won't be too mad). *hugs*
FedEx delivered the lovely flowers Senor bought for me. He always surprises me with these things. I tell him not to bother, but honestly, I'm such a girl at heart! I see them and get all melty (why are women like that?!) *_* Tee-hee. It's a nice arrangement, with Iris and Lilies. <3
I have been enjoying funny eCards all day as well. Thank you so much Jennifer! (ginga123). So sweet <3 and made me laugh too. Heather (Relena) totally smothered me in hilarious eCards as well. I will share a few with you now.
I have been playing with these things all day, they are a complete riot! Thanks so much guys! <3
Thanks to everyone who posted on Beta before it DIED. And in my blog =D RS is such a warm and friendly place *group hug*