
Welcome Back, Hotice!
last modified: Monday, November 14, 2005 (7:57:27 PM)
I missed my HotIce sooooo much! *shnuggles* My girl isn't completely back yet, but I can't wait for her computer to be absolutely mended. It's just not the same without her around ;_; She's my quiet mousy girl and I want her to know that she's not overlooked or unloved. *more hugs* Everyone go welcome her back here:

re: Welcome Back, Hotice!Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 5:44:14 AM

yay! someone loves me! :D hehe, thanks for the welcome back toni... love ya girlie. ^_^ *shnuggles*

re: Welcome Back, Hotice!Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 1:32:19 PM

Of course I love you chicklet! ^__^ You''re my bathing buddy afterall ^_~ heehee!