
Happy Birthday to me! ^_^
last modified: Thursday, February 16, 2006 (10:25:11 PM)
Wow! Second blog in a week, but this time it I'm using it for a happy purpose... my birthday!! Weee! I'm another year older, but that doesn't faze me - next year is the BIG event!

My sister brought over a cake, cream and all! Nothing much really planned, due to having no car as it is in for repairs... : (

Cute little pressie from my sissy (besides the cake!) being a small green frog with green crystals as his eyes - he is so cute, I love Green Tree frogs, one of my goals is to set up a pond for frogs when I actually get to buy a place and as mentioned in an earlier blog, mum gave me the deposit for 2 cels of Trunks, Krillin and Gohan for my birthday!

Anywho, have a quiet moment to myself and thought I would spend some of that time here (I do love this place, so much to see and do!) and share my joyous news! I have met and spoken to many great people on here, who are so awesome *hugs* this would have to be one of the most welcoming and friendliest sites around. Hope to talk to many more people during my time here and I want to wish everyone a fab day. ^_^

Thanks for reading and catch ya next time!
re: Happy Birthday to me! ^_^Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 11:29:18 PM


re: Happy Birthday to me! ^_^Friday, February 17, 2006 - 12:49:19 AM

Happy birthday!!! :D Hope it''s a wonderful one, filled with fun, joy, laughter, lots of sweets and awesome gifts. Happy president''s day as well O_o have a nice long weekend and party down <3

re: Happy Birthday to me! ^_^Friday, February 17, 2006 - 11:24:19 AM


re: Happy Birthday to me! ^_^Friday, February 17, 2006 - 8:12:12 PM

happy birthday!!!!