cels of sugar
Magical Transformations

Akibado and Shopping Mall Japan... the pros and cons...
last modified: Saturday, November 27, 2004 (4:06:31 PM)
I've decided that Akibado will probably be where I go as backup when Shopping Mall Japan is closed or won't let me bid on a certain item.

Both are deputy services. I thought this list might help me decide, so...


[PROS] Can special order pretty much anything
Bidding fees not as expensive
Can bid on auctions SMJ has blocked
[CONS] Paying deposit long and annoying process
Must put in deposit day before at the least
You have to pay a deposit each time you want to bid or even raise your maximum
Pay fees you didn't have to with SMJ


[PROS] One time deposit payment, and they don't really even have the money, they can just take it should you not pay - so if your deposit is $100, you can bid on as many auctions as you want, provided you don't go over 2 times your deposit amount. Once you're done the deposit amount stays the same
Easy to use, not confusing and vague
Responses to emails don't take as long because they're on the same time line
[CONS] Block certain auctions where the seller doesn't want to deal with deputy services (looks like you can get around that with Akibado - at least I think so, we'll see)
Does not take special orders beyond cels

I think we can plainly see that SMJ is better, although as I said, Akibado will only be used for emergencies :)

I hope by tomorrow I win that doujinshi I've been itching for. Wish me luck!
...Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 7:20:55 AM

*latches onto you* Ahhh, you collect Chacha cels too! ^_^ I''m so happy there are more of us!!
