cels of sugar
Magical Transformations

Might as well, it's been over a month...
last modified: Friday, June 03, 2005 (8:58:01 PM)
I'm dressed like Valentine's Day. I've got on a red shirt, pink jeans, and purple sneakers. It's crazy.

No cel purchases as of late. With so many money woes I haven't had the extra cash. Father's Day is this month, and my friend's wedding in July may not happen, so I'm not sure if I should be buying a gift yet.

We've moved into the new house, to note. It's a lot smaller and the yard is very cramped, but it's OK I suppose. Here's hoping I can adjust quickly.
Whoop! New digs!Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 2:40:15 AM

Too bad they''re cramped! You''ll adjust, and hopefully without a lot of frustration!