Crystal Temple

What is your quest? To collect the most Phibby cels!
last modified: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 (4:55:28 PM)
I've decided that I have a goal for my gallery. I want to have the largest collection of Phibrizzo cels out of anyone. I know I'm nowhere near that goal (Xelloss has more cels of him than I do) but by god, I'm trying. There's a couple cels I'm keeping my eye on right now.
Last night I actually had a dream about my cels. I dreamed I had two Phibrizzo cels on my wall, and one of them had been left in bright sunlight. To my horror it had faded to almost nothing. I woke up all upset until I realized it was just a dream.
There's no hope for me, is there? XD
But I am indeed serious on my new goal. I don't want EVERY cel available of him, but someday I'd like to get one from every single sequence (or darned near.)
Root for me!
re: What is your quest? To collect the most PhibbyWednesday, December 21, 2005 - 6:00:32 PM

Woohoo you go girl! ^_^ *waves flags and banners* I''ll definitely keep eight eyes out for ya! (Hm? Why EIGHT you say? Isn''t that... abnormal you say? Didn''t say they were all mine now, did I? :P )
Good luck! I''m rootin'' for ya! ^_^


re: What is your quest? To collect the most PhibbyWednesday, December 21, 2005 - 6:05:04 PM

Wow - that''s definitely a nightmare, not a dream!

Good luck trying to get the ultimate Phibrizzo collection! I''ll definitely let you know if I happen to spot one.

As for my collection, I''m a rabid Miyuki-chan in Wonderland collector. I like to think that I have the 2nd best Miyuki-chan collection on the internet... ^_^;

re: What is your quest? Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 7:08:37 PM

Well... I''m sure everyone knows MY quest. ~_^

Phibby, eh? I will have to keep an eye out for you. You know, when I''m not keeping both eyes busy with Ichigo. ^_^

*roots for you* GOOD LUCK!!!

re: What is your quest? To collect the most PhibbyWednesday, December 21, 2005 - 8:08:24 PM

Yay! Good luck! May you be the Queenie of the Phibby cels! =D