
Anime Central/Fanime
last modified: Sunday, May 11, 2008 (5:27:51 PM)
Is anyone planning to go to either anime central or fanime? Anime central is this weekend in Chicago 16-18 and Fanime is next weekend 23-26. I'll be there with the store www.animestuffstore.com. Please stop by and say hello and if there are any cel meetings, please let me know.

re: Anime Central/FanimeSunday, May 11, 2008 - 6:10:14 PM

titania(april) will be at fanime. i dont know how much you''ll see of her since she''s helping the con. plus i know at fanime yuushi''s seiyuu will be there.

re: Anime Central/FanimeMonday, May 12, 2008 - 1:09:30 AM

We''ll have to talk Yosh and Z into going. Then you''ll have at least one cel meeting--even if it''s only a small one. ^_~