
Gauken Alice
last modified: Thursday, March 23, 2006 (8:19:05 PM)
I just started watching a show called Gauken last night and the first episode was not that good...however, I perservered and watched the second one and from then on out I watch 14 episodes in 24 hours. The show is about a special academy where everyone in the school has some sort of special power that they call an "Alice." It's a really cute show and I recommend everyone go take a look -_-.

re: Gauken AliceThursday, March 23, 2006 - 8:19:57 PM

That first line is obviously supposed to say gauken alice


re: Gauken AliceSaturday, April 01, 2006 - 7:48:38 PM

Gakuen Alice is a great show! xD I love it! Pity it''s subbed so slowly.