
last modified: Sunday, November 06, 2005 (6:51:33 AM)
I find that relationships are very complicated, and I know you're all thinking to yourself "what an obvious statement" but does anyone ever think they are more complicated then they are worth. I don't know I'm still in college, I probably don't need a serious relationship right now, maybe thats the reason I have so many problems, but right now my boyfriend keeps getting mad at me for little things and the little things cause us to not spend time together for a while and thats not a bad thing, but I wish it was more by choice than by fighting you know? I don't know its only been 11 months but how can you tell what someone means to you then? Argh complciations.

re: relationships...Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 9:59:51 AM

If your relationship is more about fighting petty battles than spending quality time with each other, it''s probably a sign that this might not be the best relationship for you.
Obviously, since I don''t personally know you or your boyfriend, I can''t make some flagrant statement concerning what you should do. But, I would seriously evaluate the relationship and decide if it''s one that you want to pursue. Seek counseling, talk to friends...maybe there''s an important issue that you two haven''t addressed yet which is weighing on each other''s mind.
Either way, there are plenty of other men out there, sweetie. It has been my experience that most men today have incredibly high expectations(I went on a date with one guy who weighed about 300 lbs and was a total slob who, at the end of the date, told me he was looking for a supermodel and I didn''t cut it. Oh, so ashamed was I! ^_^)about the kind of person they''d like to settle down with. So, while the dating scene takes a lot more effort than the era your parents dated, it''s best not to settle for something only out of worry that you''ll never find someone else. If I had taken that option, I''d be filthy rich in Mexico...and probably have given birth to 10 kids by now.

re: relationships...Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 10:44:47 PM
Mirai Peorth

I don''t date, so unfortunately, I don''t think I could be much help here. ^_^; I''m a "don''t get too attached"-type gal who hasn''t been on a date in over 8 years. ^^;